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The following guide pages cover material needed for this assignment:

Homework 3d — List Patterns

1. Simplify

You are teaching your nephew to read, and you want a list of words that are short enough for him to pronounce. Write a program that does the following:

  • A person enters a list of words, ending with a blank line.
  • A person enters a maximum length.
  • Filter the list of words so that it only contains words whose length is <= to the maximum length.
  • Print out the list of words that are short, using ”- ” before each word.

The input and output of the program should look like this:

Enter a word: horse
Enter a word: cat
Enter a word: dog
Enter a word: question
Enter a word: hello
Enter a word: fantastic
Enter a word: great
Enter a word: slow
Enter a word: fast
Enter a word: walking
Enter a word:
Enter a length: 5
There are 7 short words:
- horse
- cat
- dog
- hello
- great
- slow
- fast

There is sample code in

def main():
    # Write code here

if __name__ == '__main__':

Start by decomposing the problem into a set of functions that you can call in main():

Function Parameters Description Pattern

The number 6 is not intended to represent the number of functions you must have — you may have fewer! List the pattern you might use for this function (input, input loop, map, filter, select, accumulate), if one of them applies. Once you have your solution designed, implement these functions. If you need help from the TAs, bring this table with you.

2. Counting Grouse

Sage grouse are a ground-dwelling bird found in Utah that are considered a sensitive species, meaning on the path toward extinction.

sage grouse

Write a program that can be used to count the number of grouse observed in a particular area and report some data on the grouse. The program should:

  • Allow an observer to enter a list of the number of grouse observed in each area, ended by a blank line.
  • Print some information about the grouse counts, including:
    • the total number of grouse observed,
    • the smallest number of grouse observed in an area, and
    • the largest number of grouse observed in an area.
  • Allow the observer to enter an estimation factor, since they may not have counted all the grouse (e.g. 2, or 3 to represent there may have been 2 or 3 times as many grouse in reality).
  • Multiply all the counts by the estimate factor.
  • Print out the estimated grouse populations using the corrected counts.

The input and output of the code should look like this:

Enter an observation count: 50
Enter an observation count: 75
Enter an observation count: 100
Enter an observation count: 25
Enter an observation count: 0
Enter an observation count: 30
Enter an observation count:
There are 280 total grouse.
The smallest count is: 0
The largest count is: 100
Enter factor: 2
The estimated grouse populations are:
- 100
- 150
- 200
- 50
- 0
- 60

You can find starter code in

def main():
    # Write code here

if __name__ == '__main__':

Start by decomposing the problem into a set of functions that you can call in main():

Function Parameters Description Pattern

List the pattern you might use for this function (input, input loop, map, filter, select, accumulate), if one of them applies. Once you have your solution designed, implement these functions. If you need help from the TAs, bring this table with you.


Be sure you can pass the tests before you turn in the assignment. Review the guide on using pytest if you need to review using pytest and what to do if a test fails.


Activity Points
Simplify 8
Counting Grouse 12

Manual Grading

Refer to the Quality Code guide page for detailed explanations and examples on each of these rubric criteria.


The intent of this assignment is that you can use the most common list patterns.

Using built-in functions is ok.

Be aware that knowing the list patterns, as shown in class and lab, will be useful when working with lists of tuples and on the midterm.

Rubric Points
Whitespace 1
Naming 1
Decomposition 4
Intent 4
Total 10